Embarking on a journey of creativity and exploration at Sangam...
At SES, we provide a comprehensive and enriching educational experience for students. We follow curriculum which is carefully designed to foster intellectual growth, promote critical thinking, and develop well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive in the 21st century.
02. The Global Perspective – A programme to devlop the skills our learners need for their life long learning . The focus is on cross-cultural , interdisciplinary approach that builds transferable skills. Delivered from grades prep and above.
Wings of Words (WOW) – A program to build the will and skill to read in children. The physical education program -focuses on the physical fitness of the students right from the grassroots level. Art, Music, Dance, gymnastics/skating, all delivered in regular classes.
Embarking on a journey of creativity and exploration at Sangam...
Today, grades UKG and Prep at Sangam Elementary School showcased...
Through poetry recitation, students fine-tune their skills...
The grand finale of our Diwali Dhoom celebration was ...